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lunedì 1 settembre 2008

Fai gli auguri a Hilary Duff

Hi guys! Well since on about a month it'll be Hilary's 21st Birthday, we'll do the same we did last year (you can check it out here), a Birthday Book with all of our wishes for her. This will be her Official 21st Birthday Book, since her management already confirmed me it'll be sent to Hilary. So you better put your soul on it!

You gotta wish her Happy Birthday, and also say what you want to her, but not a huge story, since she'll have to read a lot of messages and we want her to read them all and not just a big one right? You can also send some graphic you did to wish her Happy Birthday. You gotta host it on a free host (such as, etc.) and send the URL on the e-mail.

If you want to send your message, follow the below rules:
001. Messages that'll be deleted and not posted: Hate messages, messages with your e-mail/msn/aim/etc., messages with questions to her since she won't reply to them.
002. Send an e-mail with your Name, your Country, your Age, your Message, and an optional graphic.
003. If your message is accepted, you'll receive a confirmation e-mail within the next 24 hours.
004. The messages will be posted on sending order. The first message that I receive will be the first on the Birthday Book, and so go on.

Now you just gotta send your e-mail to and Hilary will read it! I wanna thank people on Hilary's official team for letting us do this. The book will be up on September 28, 2008. What are you waiting for?


-Dovete mandare un'email a quell'indirizzo scrivendo il vostro nome l'età il paese e il vostro messaggio. poi una volta inviato vi manderanno un'altra email x farvi sapere se il messaggio è stato accettato.
Tutti i messaggi poi verranno consegnati a Hil dice anke di non scrivere un messaggio molto lungo visto che Hil ne dovrà leggere molti e poi di nn inserirci domande dato che non potrà rispondere.

Fonte: emifriend.forumhilary

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